Wishing all my friends and family a very Happy New Year!
It has been a tough year for a lot of people and I pray that the year 2012 will be a blessed, prosperous and successful year for everyone!
Best Wishes
To You

Wishing all my friends and family a very Happy New Year!
It has been a tough year for a lot of people and I pray that the year 2012 will be a blessed, prosperous and successful year for everyone!
Hi everyone! Sorry for not posting in awhile, I have been very busy adding new items to my eBay store. Below are just a small sampling of dresses to whet your whistle! You can click on the pictures and it will take you to my store to view further information about them. I noticed that when I choose which dresses to post on here that all of them had high necks… that was not even planned! lol :)
This dress is a Vintage 70s woven pleated scooter mini dress with a drop waist that will fit a size XS. I love the colors and texture of this dress! It also comes with a matching jacket! A one of a kind!
To see more items in the store you can go Here! Thanks for looking!
There was nothing like a 1970s vacation. Especially one at the Peter Pan Inn. It was every kids dream to go to a resort hotel and have new experiences. There was always a pool and game room and plenty of new halls to explore. Especially enticing was the hotel restaurant which was know for it’s corn fritters, corn meal balls, fried and dusted with powdered sugar. People waited in line to get in but the collection of Victorian antiques and other gaudy furnishings made waiting a feast for the eyes. The Peter Pan Inn was known for it’s restaurant, which featured five dining rooms during its hey-day and was popular during the 70s. but it all came to an end around Christmas 1983.
It remained closed for quite sometime before becoming the The Cracked Claw at Peter Pan Inn in the 1990s. A lot of the dining space has been replaced by off track betting facilities but many of the old artifacts remain and you can still find corn fritters on the menu.
I have an original 1970s vintage drinking glass from the Peter Pan Inn restaurant and it is an neat collectors item. Anyone who remembers those good old vacations of the 1960s and 70s and beyond will get a kick out of this treasure. Like mugs, unique drinking glasses are another fun addition to the kitchen or the curio cabinet.
Hi everyone! Here are some of my latest picks for Fall and Winter sweaters at Pink Hill Vintage. Warm colors of rich browns, burgundy,cream and olive green are sure to warm your palette. There are a mix of vintage and name brand designers. Lots of texture and soft angora blends. So…..come on by and get your sweater on at Pink Hill Vintage! See you there!
I wanted to share a recipe that is one of my favorite appetizers and only uses three ingredients. They are jalapeno peppers with cream cheese and bacon.
They are a bit time consuming but well worth it!
Here is what you will need:
Cut stems off of peppers and cut them all in half long ways.
Remove seeds from peppers.
Fill each pepper with cream cheese.
Wrap 1/2 slice of bacon around each pepper half.
Place on baking sheets and place in 450 degree oven for 10 to 15 minutes or until bacon is fully cooked.
Remove and serve when cooled.
P.S. I had these last night with some friends and served enchiladas and homemade guacamole with chips…it went over very well! This is one of my favorite meals! What is one of your favorite meals that you like to serve?
Well…. I bet you thought I was going to be mad at someone, but I’m not…lol:)
I’m here to tell you that Miss Linda ( I like to call her Momma Lee) has created another great page on facebook called Lovin Blogs! If you missed the last post about our friend you can view it here.
She already has a lot of great bloggers that have joined and let me tell you there are a lot of great blogs on there! Some are seasoned and some are just learning and starting out, everyone is helping each other and following each other and commenting on each others blogs. Actually, Linda just started blogging herself, so go on over there and say HI! She also has two wonderful assistants Jackie and Michelle that I know she appreciates very much…you can view their blogs here and here.
Shhhh….Don’t tell anyone, but I haven’t even posted my blog there yet, I have been waiting until I have time to follow and comment…but I plan on posting it soon after I write this post. I have been busy getting inventory listed in my store…lots of goodies! I have a goal which I have not met yet, so I have not been quite as social as I'd like to be. But once I hit my goal I will be out and about again.
So… if you would like to join a great group of people and get your blog seen I suggest that you join us at Lovin Blogs on Facebook. Hope to see you there!
Oh…before I go I’m going to be participating in a Blog Hop over at Mom’s Online Garage Sale, another way to meet new friends and visit new blogs. Why don’t you join me? Its fun!
Have fun and enjoy!
Today I wanted to talk to continue on the theme of taking great pictures. Last week I posted about the set up here. Today I want to talk about camera settings.
Another important step is having the correct settings for your camera. I have a digital Sony Cyber Shot Camera 7.2 Mega pixel. Nothing fancy or expensive.
The settings that I use the most are the EV setting. The EV settings adjust the light to lighten or darken the subject. Then there is the white balance. The white balance pretty much stays the same in the area that I take my photo’s. The only reason I would even change it is if I were to go in another room or outside with different lighting.
You can get to your settings usually through a menu button on your camera. The way I learned about this was I spent a day reading the manual. I don’t like reading manuals, but how else was I going to learn, even though I did research online, it still helped to read the manual. I went in and just started experimenting…I was surprised at what all this little camera can do.
For the white balance setting I have mine set on daylight and I do not use a flash. The other white balance settings range from cloudy to incandescent to fluorescent. I thought at first I would use the fluorescent setting because I use that type of lighting in the room. But I ended up using the daylight which looks better to me.
This is something you will have to experiment with until you get it the way you want. It takes time and patience.
After my post, Meet the family, I thought you should meet my model Valerie, I call her Vintage Valerie…lol:) She is a great model and does everything I tell her to. Although it would be nice to have a live model sometimes….I will save that thought for another post.
After reading Fredrick_Nijm blog post on Tips to insure You are putting Your Best Photo(s) Forward I decided to share how I get my best photos.
First of all I’d like to say it took me quite awhile to learn how to do this. I tried and failed many times, but I kept trying until I got it right.
I used many background colors and textures until I came up with the one I’m currently using now. I used sheets ,curtains and different fabrics. I decided that a gray paper backdrop for clothing items was the best for me.
I bought a roll of gray paper from an online business. I did not have a stand to put it on so I had to get creative and come up with a way to attach it to the wall…I happened to have 2 wooden curtain rod holders that are in the shape of a U and screwed them to the wall. I used a piece of PVC pipe to run inside the roll and then place it on the holders and Wha’La!
For the lights that I use I bought open shop light florescent fixtures that have a pull chain and I also use the silver reflector light fixtures with a clamp. The bulbs I use in the long fluorescent fixtures are the Daylight 5000K wattage and the bulbs I use in the reflector fixtures are 100W florescent bulbs.
I had to play around a bit with the distance of where to put the fixtures and also I had to play around with the settings on my camera, this is important too! That in itself will require another post. Now that I have my settings right for taking pictures of clothing, I feel that I need to learn more on taking pictures of smaller items…I still do not have that nailed down…I know that probably sounds silly, but it is true. I hope to get more tips and tricks from my friends. Do you have any tips you can share with me?
Last week we were inspired in our Addoway group to write a post on our blogs that are connected with our Addoway stores…which is pretty cool by the way and below was the post I submitted.
For today's post I thought I would introduce you to my family. From top left is my future son in law Gabriel and my oldest daughter Amber. To the far right is my youngest daughter Ana. The bottom left is my daughter in law Katie and my son Nathan. Then to the far right bottom is my husband Alan and myself.
As an online seller I thought it would be nice for you to meet my family, so you know who you are dealing with, plus it gives me a chance to show them off…lol:) Well, it will be me that you’ll be dealing with, but hey…I thought this would be fun…o.k. well to be honest…I just wanted to show off my kids…isn’t that what moms like to do?
That is my post for today…he…he..!
As an online seller I have met so many new friends and have found so many great bargains and items for sale from all kinds of places.. I recently started listing some items on ADDOWAY. This is one of my new places to list! They have a wonderful group that encourages each other on FaceBook called ADDOWAY Meet and Greet!
I don’t get there as much as I’d like cause I’ve been so busy learning this new venue. Everyone there is very supportive! There is humor there too! So… if you sell online I invite you to join us and give it a try!
I wanted to dedicate this post to my Nathan. He recently came home from his first deployment with the Marines. It was truly a difficult time. His dad and I along with our family and friends, spent much time in prayer for him. Needless to say we are very THANKFUL to God for his safe return!
He and his wife Katie along with 2 of their friends came up to visit for the weekend and stayed with us Friday and Saturday night. Friday night we met at Nathans favorite Mexican restaurant, 3 Amigo’s. Katie had arranged for the staff there to surprise him with a WELCOME HOME banter. As you can see in the pictures they put on a hat and put whip cream on his face. It was funny! ( One of his friends that came with him was also included, as he was also away on deployment) It was a fun time and we enjoyed the night.
Do you have a loved one in the service and has been on deployment? If so, please comment and let me know….I will add them to my prayer list.