Sweaters or Jumpers?
I was doing some research on some sweaters the other day and I noticed on ebay that in some of the listing titles on what we call sweaters in the US are also called Jumpers in other countries. I asked the question on my Pink Hill Vintage Fan page what their thoughts were on this subject. I had one of my fans from Australia respond by saying that they call them jumpers there, not sweaters. I learn something new everyday!
If you know another country that calls sweaters – jumpers, please let me know by leaving a comment below. Thank you! Have a great week!

I haven't heard of a sweater being called a jumper before. Very interesting!
Me either, thought it was interesting when I was doing my research on sweater titles for listing on eBay and saw a few other sellers had the word "JUMPER" so it peaked my curiosity.
i've heard of them being called jumpers, but they're just plain old sweaters to me.
same here Veronika...but I thought "hey" maybe using this in titles may help in sales in other countries that use this term. By the way! I LOVE your blog and your amazing outfits...your a very beautiful girl!
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