Here is what to do to qualify:
- Click on the link to Vote:
- Click on the button VOTE ~ please keep in mind your number!
- Then come back here and write a quick comment like i.e. " I voted I am # so and so" So I can see who voted
- If you can... vote everyday! And leave a comment here again with your # ~ The more you vote, the more chances you have of winning ~ which means your name will be entered however many times you vote!
- At the end of the contest on Oct 30th a name will be drawn and I will post the winner here the following day.
- Once the contest is over I will send a private message to the winner requesting your mailing address so I can send you your gift! Thank you so much for helping out!

No matter what you are #1!
YOU Rock Too my friend!
I'm a friend of Meredith's and I've been voting every day! I even have her link on my Facebook Profile page so anyone can vote from there too! What a wonderful thing you are doing to wrangle more votes for her - you are a such a great friend to her! Go Meredith!
That is wonderful Karen! What a way to help out a friend! Isn't that why we are help others? So glad you have a link to help out too! I'd like to add you to my friends list on FB ~ What is your name on there, if you don't mind sharing?Have a great night!
#1855 vote for today! Go Meredith, the Little Engine That Could!
(You can find me on FB as Karen Yohn Fox. Whenever they stop playing around with the feeds that is. Ugh!)
#2110 for Meredith
Thanks Karen!I am going to look you up now! Thanks for voting! And participating in my contest!
voted today #2437 :o)
Way to go Karen! As far as # of votes and entries you have the most in my contest! Better chances of winning uh! I also have a couple other contestants on Facebook you can see them on my profile page on FB. You are in the lead as far as entries. Thanks again for your vote!
Voted #2527 cuz Meredith so deserves this!
I agree Karen...she does. I really hope and pray she gets it!
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