Thursday, February 28, 2013

Liz Claiborne and Sweet William

While I was looking on Pinterest the other day I came across this beautiful picture of a lovely flower garden that consisted of a flower called Sweet William.  It reminded me of the print on a dress I have for sale on ebay! So I just had to share it with all of you! Check it out! I know the print on the dress is not Sweet William but it does have some of the colors.
Here is the dress on ebay! 
The dress is a lovely Spring dress by Liz Claiborne that consists of a linen and rayon fabric.
I think the flowers on the dress are snapdragons.  What do you think? 

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Valentine's Day Wear

Whether going on a date or hanging out with your girlfriends on Valentine's Day, here are a few pieces to get you through the day.

Handsome vintage 80s  Red Tartan Plaid Blazer by Pendleton
Lovely Red Flutter Dress by DressBarn
Vintage 60s Red Chiffon Prom Party Dressby EMMA DOMB sz S M
Vintage 60's PINK Sheath Dress & Coat with Rhinestone Buttons sz M
Vintage 90s R & K Originals Black Dress with a Red Pink Cropped Flapper Tiered Jacket sz 4P

 Thanks for stopping by!
A little fun on Polyvore!

Monday, February 4, 2013

FREE Promotion Bumps!

Hi everyone! The last time this post was updated was in July of 2011, just wanted to share an up to date list of auction bump sites as of Feb 4, 2013 where you can advertise your ebay listings for free! Its easy to do! Just copy and paste the item number to one of your listings in the place provided.
I’m going to share a tip with you.  What I do is open 2 windows, one with the pages to my items and one with the bump sites open in separate tabs.  This makes it easier and saves on time.
On some of the sites you can add your Website, Facebook and Twitter!
NOTE: Some sites that were listed are not working anymore, so I have removed them. The two I removed were mysteryauctions.com and freeauctionbees.com.

NEW TIP: When you are in "My eBay" on the selling page with a list of all your items, all of the item #'s are listed there underneath the title of your item, this means you do not have to open up all the pages to your items to get the item numbers ( That is what I use to do!). I don't know about you, but for those that have been bumping awhile is this what you did? lol :) Heres a pic to illustrate what I'm talking about.

Free eBay Auction Advertising on AuctionBump.com


Sites that let you advertise 5 bumps at a time:


Sites that let you advertise 4 bumps at a time:

Sites that let you advertise 3 bumps at a time:


The auction bumps below, you will need to put your auction title and picture along with the items number.  A little more time consuming, but hey!…its free traffic to your items! Right?! Below is a video that shows you how to do this.

Have fun Bumping!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First Meeting

The past couple of weeks have been sheer joy! We got to meet our grandson for the first time! Here are some pics to enjoy!

 our family

Dad and Mom 
(my son Nathan and his wife Katie)

 Auntie Ana
( my youngest daughter)

Brother and sister
(Nathan my son and my oldest daughter Amber)

Dad and Papa
(Nathan and his dad - my husband)

The three Aunties and Mom!
(Amber, Katie, Stephanie (Katie's sister), Ana - from left to right)

Thats it for now! More will be coming over time! Isn't that what grandma's do, show off their off spring? And then their off springs off spring!  lol :) 

Have a lovely day everyone!

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